Snore Guard/Bite Guard

Silent Nite/Snore Guard

Snore Guard
During sleep, muscles and soft tissues in the throat and mouth relax, shrinking the airway. This increases the velocity of airflow during breathing. As the velocity of required air is increased, soft tissues like the soft palate and uvula vibrate. The vibrations of these tissues result in "noisy breathing" or snoring.

For the majority of snorers, the most affordable, non-invasive, comfortable, effective snoring solution remains a dentist-prescribed snoring preventative device such as Silent Nite® sl.

Silent Nite sl is a custom-fabricated dental device that moves the lower jaw into a forward position, increasing space in the airway tube and reducing air velocity and soft tissue vibration. Special connectors are attached to transparent flexible upper and lower splints. The splints are custom-laminated with heat and pressure to the dentist's model of the mouth. The fit is excellent and comfortable, permitting small movements of the jaw (TMJ) and allowing uninhibited oral breathing.

Bite Guard
Do you clinch or grind your teeth? If you wake up tired, have frequent headaches, have soreness or tenderness in your jaws or have pain when you are chewing certain foods; you may be doing one or the other. We recommend treating these issues with an occlusal or night guard. This appliance is a hard, slightly pliable guard that covers the chewing surface of the teeth and keeps a small amount of space between your top and bottom teeth. It should be worn nightly and/or in situations that may increase your tendency to clinch or grind.  

Snore Guard
Bite Guard
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